Middle Tone an abbreviation of ‘Meaningful Ideas Develop through Discussion or Literary & Creative Experience…Think always One step forward throughout your Natural Emotions’.

Since 1975 we had been working in the field of socio-cultural domain. Our sincere desire with all limitation, we had been try to educate (ourselves also) children and youth/aged community through conversation and improve their knowledge, cultural awareness. To make the marginal communities critically conscious of their surroundings and to help them to overcome the limitations and constraints under which they live by promoting cultural activities among the marginal communities and less fortune one.

Sky is the limit; the dream is to help develop an environment that allows harmonious co-existence of human beings amongst themselves with other life forms of nature. We pay efforts in a continuous way to expose our mission as well as vision among unprivileged.

In 2012 we have registered under 1961 ACT (West Bengal) in India, as a voluntary non-profit organization. In 1975 a group of photographers create a platform entitle Nirikshan and after registration Nirikshan converted to MIDDLE-TONE. As a registered organization we are working with experimental pedagogy in the same field of socio-cultural activities like education, art and culture through convocation, seminars and workshop, exhibition, awareness program on bio-cultural diversity and general motivation to sustain indigenous habits and practices. That can be exemplified as ‘society for multi-literacy, cultural documentation’ in a nutshell.

The word “multi-literacy”, on which we pay need to express, has made its way to media, communication, the classroom; and it lends its way not only to how we interact but also how we learn. We want our learners to become successful critical thinkers and problem solvers in the context of their community, society, and culture/multi-literacy paves the way. To be said oneness of learning has become more pluralistic experience. ‘Middle Tone’ relates education under this title. Education under numerous groups and grades must not be entertained differently under conventional schooling; it might be obtained in a multifunctional way of thinking.

Mission & Vision

We want to facilitate the thinking ability and learning capacity of the society.

We want to create a conducive environment where an individual becomes thinker and a thinker turns-up as a learner. Hence the person will contribute more in societal upliftment.


Dr. Jayanta Kr. Ghosal, Sandip Ray, Bhupal Chakraborty, Prasun Majumdar, Salil Basu,

Subhasish Ghosh, Tapas Gangopadhyay, Pinaki Roy, Ruma Chakraborty

E-mail: thinkers.middletone@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thinkers.MiddleTone